The Illuminati Watcher: Interview with Issac Weishaupt

Welcome back to the Lets be friends podcast! With us today is a new friend Isaac Weishaupt.

Issac is the founder of, the host of the “Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture” podcast and the author of many books on occult symbolism and Hollywood conspiracies.  Issac has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry for a very long time, long enough to be shadow banned & almost canceled.

In our conversation Issac and I have a candid chat, like two friends hanging out sharing symbolism research and theories on the major conspiracies.  Issac shares his new fascination with the Twin Peaks TV series, and I share a mini version of my testimony how Jesus found me. We also discuss our theories on the Illuminati, how it ties to the chaos & the counterculture movement and if Issac is related to the founder of the Illuminati Adam Weishaupt.

Issac's webssite: 


The Sound of a PSYOP